The ugly duckling, Rat Skrafy, Chicken Simona, Cat Parky, Wolves, Swans, Actors of the
theatre "Pisk", Goose- man, Goose - woman, Head duck, Cock, Turkey-man, Turkey -
woman, Duck, ducklings
The first action "Birth of ducklings"
Author. It was so nice in the village. It was summer. There was a wood and a blue lake.
There in the grass a duck was sitting on the eggs. At last the ducklings say "pe-pe"
and come from the eggs.
Ducklings. How big this world is!
The ugly duckling. And how beautiful it is!
Duck. Quickly! Quickly to me! Well, you'll be Alice, you-Leo, you- Doddy, you-Tim,
and your name is Augustas! And now we start a swimming lesson.
Duck goes away with the ducklings, Goose - woman and Turkey - woman appear.
Goose - woman. Hello, Geraldine!
Turkey - woman. Hello, Clara!
Goose - woman. You know - our Duck now has four ducklings!?
Turkey - woman. Oh, yes! Everybody already know about that!
Goose - woman. Four are pretty, but the fifth looks very strange.
Duck appears with her ducklings. The duck sings.
Are you here all my dear?Come to me, my little, near,I'll count every one,
Five, four, three, two and one.Duck dance with ducklings
Goose- woman. Oh, where did it come?
Turkey - woman sings.
What a trouble I should say,Ugly, dirty, nasty, grey,Very ugly and disgusting, Even
awful looks he now, We can't love him, how?
Turkey - woman and Goose- woman. Khee -khee! Good afternoon, dear!
Duck. Good afternoon!
Goose- woman. You must be proud of your four ducklings!
Duck. But I've got five!
Turkey - woman Charming crumbs - four nice things!
Duck. But : five!
Goose- woman. Well, we are worried about that, you adopted him, didn't you?
Turkey - woman.It is different from the others, isn't it?
Duck. Yes, it is! But he is strong and nice and I love him very much!
Goose- woman . Oh, yes, of course!
Goose- woman and Turkey - woman. Well, it's time to go, we'll see tomorrow.
Turkey - woman. Good bye ,dear!
Duck sings.Don't lie in pools,Stop that funny "gools",Try to keep your heads
up,We are coming to the yard,Bow to the Head Duck,Say politely your little "chuck",And
I should prevent you
From Black Cat who is cute,"Chuck, chuck, chuck, chuck."
Duck and ducklings go from the scene.The second action "The fowl"Birds
What a crowd came to us?You look like a little class!One is so ugly looks:
Nasty, grey, a little "goose",He is not one of us,He is not from our class!
We'll kill him!
Duck. Let him go! He didn't do you anything!
Cock. And even don't think come close to us!
Goose-man. What a shame to live with such a monster!
Turkey-man. Who sees him once - won't sleep at night.
Head duck. He'd better live with other monsters. Then he won't irritate us!
All the birds. Ugly, ugly, ugly!
The ugly duckling runs away, and everyone goes after him from the scene.The
third action "Unexpected meeting"The ugly duckling appears and sings.
Why they don't like me?What have I done?I was born unhappyUgly, awful,fun
People never like monsters. That's the problem!Spike, chase, disturb,To live nice
they don't give
The ugly duckling is walking, noticing nothing, faces a rat Skrafy. From unexpectedness
it falls.
Skrafy. Look! What you have done! You nearly have not crushed me!
The ugly duckling. Oh, I'm sorry, I'm not purposely. My name is Augustas,
but they often call me Disgusting. And I left my house.
Skrafy. With apologies here you will not get off. Go your own way.
The ugly duckling steps aside from Skrafy and stops, breathing hardly.
Skrafy. My name is Skrafy! I want to play in the theatre, though all my
relatives said that there were no rats from the Big Farm in the theater! Who you are to
break the traditions?- They said.
The ugly duckling. And you ran away to play in the theater?
Skrafy. Yes, I can cry, laugh, shout and sing loudly!
The ugly duckling. I would like to have the dream like yours.
Skrafy. But everything is worse. I don't know where the theatre is.
The ugly duckling. Don't worry, we'll find it
Skrafy. Then let's go. And I'll sing a song for you.
I'll sing an easy song for you, when you are unhappy. Sing it quicker and the world
will be nicer.
When the way is hard and no friends around,My easy song will be your friend forever.
The ugly duckling. Nice song!
Skrafy. I know a lot like that. Oh, look!
The ugly duckling. Let's sit and have a rest here.
Skrafy. Ok. You stay here in canes, and I'll go and find something to eat.
I'll come back soon.
Skrafy goes away. Dog bark, there are shoots. The disgusting duckling rushes about, tries
to hide and runs away with the words "Hunting, hunting".
The fourth action "New acquaintance"
Master's house. Green curtain is open in the centre. There is a fire place, the
master's pictures above it. Cat and Chicken are sleeping near it.
Master. What a find! This is a duckling! I'll take him home and then we'll
see! Hey, Simona, Parky! Meet the visitor!
The ugly duckling comes out to the Cat and the Chicken.
Chicken. Hello, what's your name?
Cat. Don't worry, Simona. It's just a duckling. I think he hasn't got a
The ugly duckling. I've got a name- my name is Augustus.
Cat. That's great!
Chicken. We hold here a special position thanks to our advantages.
The cat's purring always ,Caresses the hearing, Its rumbling, my friend ,So raises
the spirit.
Cat. Owners are having lunch, The hen knows that It stands longer,And eggs gives for a
Masters allow us to sleep in the house and warm at the fire.
Chicken. You mustn't think about the same attitude.
The ugly duckling. I won't.
Cat and chicken dance and sing.
He is clever, He is smart, He is always right.Believe, to listen to him is Such a
Cat sings.
Her special intellect, You won't collect,Listen more soon , the silly fellow,You
should always her follow.
While Cat and Chicken dance and sing the duckling fell asleep.
Chicken. Well, just look Parky, it's so impolite!
Cat. Leave him alone- silly fellow.
The both fall asleep. Skrafy, who heard the conversation, comes up to the duckling
Skrafy. Wake up, get up! It's time to run! The master wants to eat you!
The ugly duckling. Don't say nonsense! She, she , she fed me, gave tasty food
Skrafy. She just make you fat! Run quickly!
Skrafy and the Duckling close the green curtain and leave the scene.
The fifth action "Meeting with wolves."
The disgusting duckling. Thank you, Skrafy, you saved me!
Skrafy. You are welcome, let's go! We'll be together now and you'll see
how I sing and dance. It's very important for me.
The ugly duckling. Why?
Skrafy. Because it's very important to see the reaction! Somebody must
The ugly duckling. I understand.
Skrafy. And you'll say which songs I sing well and which -best of all.
The ugly duckling. I agree.
Skrafy. What's the matter? Are you cold?
The ugly duckling. Yes, it's cold a little, winter begins.
Skrafy. If winter begins, we must think about a good shelter. But about it
I'll think tomorrow.
Skrafy and Duckling embrace and fall asleep. Boys - winter winds appear. They turn
around sleeping Skrafy and Duckling.
1. Don't fight with winter winds, it is not summer any more.
2. To freeze everything and everyone - that's our motto! Together -that's our
3. With our voices and whistles you'll forget the spring.
4. We are winter winds - be afraid! We sting like bees!
Winter winds dance
In the end of their dancing they throw synthetic winterizes around Skrafy and Duckling.
The ugly duckling. Skrafy, help! I have frozen!
Skrafy. That's true! You have frozen! Don't worry, I'll find something and
break the ice.
Skrafy runs away. Wolves appear.
1 Wolf This is a duck! We have a holiday today - we have something to eat!
2 Wolf It's been a long time I've tasted a duck!
The wolves howl happily. Skrafy spies them.
Skrafy. I have never heard such a bad song
The wolves run around the scene to gather the brushwood for the fire. Skrafy runs up to
Duckling and untied him.
Skrafy. You got into troubles again. Be silent, we must run!
Skrafy and Duckling run away.
Wolves. Stop! Supper is running.
Wolves run after them.
The sixth action. "Dreams come true"
Skrafy. We must find a safe place, where we can winter.
The ugly duckling. And where they won't want to eat me.
Curtain opens. There is a big poster of the theatre "Pisk". Rats - actors
Skrafy. Hello, are you actors?
Actor 1.We are! And who are you?
Skrafy. Ah, Ah, Ah, we are poor travelers, we were lucky to escape from the
villain's paws, where we could die from the hunger. We haven't got a house, we have
Actor 2. Poor things! How long you suffered!
Actor 3.They had a lot of grief.
Skrafy. Grief? You didn't believe me? I'm not upset at all. I played. Maybe
you'll take us into your group?
Actor 4. Great! Wonderful, and the main thing - convincing! We'll take you!
Skrafy. Oh, thank you.
Author. Well, our friends were taken to the actor family. The whole winter. Skrafy was
getting ready to her first show, and Duckling helped her to make the theater decorations.
Actor 5. Dear public! Now our beautiful and talented Miss Skrafy Lamur will give
you a pleasure!
Mother taught me as she could,Voice for rat is her mood,Why are darling say
peep,Remember not to sleep,Not to be scared from theatre away,Soon I could finally run
away,Having weak voice you won't win the game,If you say peep, you won't get the
fame.I couldn't leave my dream,I know the fame is like cream.Though from heart I peep,
Public will always value my scrip.
I want to see you more and more,
I'll play and sing like a horn.
To get the top of the fame -
I must win the game!
Actors - rats shout "Bravo" and throw flowers to Skrafy's legs. Duckling closes
the curtain. He already looks like a swan. But nobody has noticed that.
The disgusting duckling. Skrafy is already a great peeper! And I am still
disgusting and clumsy!
Swans appear. They circle around the disgusting duckling.
Swans. Hello! What's your name?
The ugly duckling. Augustas.
Swan 1. I am Beauty!
Swan 2. I am Grace!
Swan 3. I am Lancelot!
Swan 4. Why such a nice swan is upset and alone? Do you want to join us?
The ugly duckling. I am a swan indeed?!
Swan 1. Of course a swan! Like we are!
Swan 2. Let's fly together. With you our group will be more beautiful.
Swans dance.
Author. Augustus was very happy, but wasn't proud, because his kind heart doesn't
know the pride.
Augustus. I couldn't dream about it when I was the ugly duckling.
All the actors go to the scene to bow.