Цели проведения:
- Познакомить учащихся с традициями Англии и
Америки на примере празднования Halloween (31 октября).
- Заинтересовать учащихся в изучении английского
языка, как средства для знакомства с традициями
англоязычных стран.
- Активизировать у учащихся творческие
способности при подготовке и проведении
- оформление зала (рисунки детей, изображающие
всяческую нечисть, тематические газеты, выставка
"Они разыскиваются”, тыквы);
- учащиеся заранее подготавливают костюмы для
- заранее разучиваются песни совместно с
учителем музыки;
- учащиеся разучивают стихотворения;
- учащиеся 9 класса подготавливают танец на
осеннюю тему.
Ведущая: Hello everybody! We've gathered together for our Halloween Party.
We want all of you to enjoy the party, to be merry and jolly. Today is October, 31. But a
week before. Look and listen.
Kлacc. Ha стенe висиm календарь - 25 октября.
Расписаниее — English. За партами сидят ученики. У
доски - учитель.
Teacher: Dear pupils, as you know, in a week's time we are going to have a
Halloween Party. And now we have to decide who will be who and what shall we do. In this
part pupils from the 5 till 10 forms party will take. What are your suggestions?
P1: We should have a contest of posters.
T: It's a good idea! What else?
P2: To make a lot of pumpkins with terrible grins and lights in then.
T: Of course, we will.
P3: To draw monster pictures to frighten the little ones.
T: Just don't frighten them to death.
All pupils: Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha...
T: Any other ideas?
P4: Why not make a dress-up parade? I'll be a vampire.
P5: I'll be a witch.
P6: Me too.
P1: I'll be a demon.
P2, P3: We'll be evil spirits.
P7: I'll be a monster.
P8: I'll be a black cat.
T: OK, OK. Wait, Wait... A large carnival procession. Well, and then make your
costumes. And don't forget, we should write and send out invitations to our party.
Next time we'll talk about when Halloween was first celebrated and why a pumpkin is a
symbol of this festival. Goodbye for now.
Гаснет свет
Перед сценой разбросаны листья. На авансцену
выходит ученица, читает стихи "October” by John Updike.
Чтение стихотворения может сопровождать
подходящий музыкальный ряд
The month is amber,
Gold and brown.
Blue ghosts of smoke
Float through the town.
Great V's of geese
Honk overhead,
And maples turn
A fiery red.
Frost bites the lawn,
The stars are slits
In a black cat's eye
Before she spits.
At last, small witches,
Goblins, hags,
And pirates armed
With paper bags.
Their costumes hinged
On safety pins,
Go haunt a night
Of pumpkin grins.
Scene 3
На сцене – группа учащихся в костюмах
PI: Hallowe'en is coming.
What will you wear?
P2: I might wear a blanket
And be a brown bear.
P1: Hallowe'en is coming.
Who will you meet?
P2: I might meet a princess
Skipping down the street.
P1: Hallowe'en is coming.
What will you do?
P3: I might go trick-or-treating.
How about you?
PI: Hallowe'en is coming.
What will you be?
P3: I might be a pirate
On the deep blue sea.
P1: Hallowe'en is coming.
What will you see?
P4: I might see a Jack-o'-Lantern
Winking at me.
P1: Hallowe’en is coming
What will you be?
P4: It's a secret,
So, wait and see!
Scene 4
Jack-o '-Lantern, ученик в маске тыквы. Во время
рассказа можно выключить освещение в помещении
Jack-o'-Lantern: Hello! My name is Jack and here is my lantern made from a
pumpkin. As you see, I've cut out slits for two eyes, a nose, and a mouth, and put a
lighted candle inside. I used to play practical jokes on the devil and I'm punished for
Учащиеся 6 класса исполняют песню "Pumpkin”
Ведущая: Many people carve happy and funny faces. They place the pumpkins in
the windows or on the doorsteps. The children also put on strange masks and
frightening costumes every Halloween. Some children paint their faces to look like
monsters. Then they carry baskets and bags. They go from house and knock on the door. They
sing "Trick or treat! Trick or treat”, meaning "Give us a treat or we’ll play a
trick on your”. People give the children sweets, cookies and apples.
На сцену выходят наряженные дети и
разыгрывают сценку "Шутка или угощение”.
Далее дети исполняют песню.
(на мотив "Хоп-хей” Леонид Агутин)
Oh, Halloween’s the time
When the ghosts can really talk;
The night when witches ride on brooms
And skeletons can walk.
We put on masks and dress
To scare the folks we meet.
It’s lots of fun to knock on doors
And holler: "Trick or treat!”
Hop-hei, trick or treat,
Give us something good to eat!
Give us candy, give us cake,
Something sweet to take.
Hop-hei, trick or treat,
Give us something good to eat!
You had better do it quick
Or we’ll surely play a trick.
Ha сцену под музыку и звон бубнов выходят
Друиды Можно звон бубнов заменить любой мрачной
D1: We are Druids, Celtic priests. We are observing the end of autumn and the
beginning of winter. We are not spirits or ghosts. But this night they and witches all
come out. We don't want them to hurt us. That's why we are dressed this way. We want to
deceive the evil spirits.
D2: The Druid New Year begins on the 1st of November. Winter comes and
the Lord of Death rules. So there are many ghosts, goblins, witches, skeletons and cats.
Druids lighted huge bonfires to frighten away evil spirits. And we can see bonfires on
Halloween today.
На сцену выходит наряженный ученик и
читает стих.
Halloween Chants
Halloween, Halloween, magic night.
We are glad and very bright.
We all dance and sing and recite,
"Welcome! Welcome! Halloween night!”
Ведущая: Now let’s play a little. I know one interesting game. Someone
puts water and apples in a big bowl. The apples stay on top of the water. The players must
keep their hands behind their back and take an apple out of the water with their teeth.
The game is very funny and difficult, and players usually get very wet!
Дети играют в игру, предложенную
Ведущая: We suggest you to see some witches and to learn how to recognize a
witch when you see one.
Демонстрация мод
- A real witch is always to be wearing gloves when you meet her.
- A real witch is always bald.
- Look for the nose-holes.
- The eyes of a real witch are different from yours and mine.
- Witches never have toes.
- Their spit is blue.
Ученица читает стихотворение
The little witch
Once long ago
In a wee small land
Lived a witch, her cat,
And a mouse.
They stayed together
And didn’t fight,
Though they lived
In a very small house.
Then cat was little,
The mouse was small.
But the teeny-tiny witch.
Was the littlest of all.
Ведущая: And now let us sing a song "Looby-Loo”. Try to sing
and dance with us. It will be very funny.
Учащиеся поют песню и выполняют движения танца.
Here we dance Looby-Loo,
Here we dance Looby-Light.
Here we dance Looby-Loo,
All on a Saturday night.
1. I put my right hand in,
I put my right hand out,
I give my right hand
a shake, shake, shake
And turn myself about.
2. I put my left hand in,
I put my left hand out,
I give my left hand
a shake, shake, shake
And turn myself about.
3. I put my right foot in,
I put my right foot out,
I give my right foot
a shake, shake, shake
And turn myself about.
4. I put my left foot in,
I put my left foot out,
I give my left foot
a shake, shake, shake
And turn myself about.
Ведущая: Now I want you to play one interesting game. Your task will be to
cut the string and take a present. But your eyes are closed at this time. It’s not
(Детям завязывают глаза и в это время ряженые
уносят веревку.)
Ведущая: And now let us sing a song together. This song is about friendship
and love for all peace. To my mind this song is will be excellent for the end of our
Here is my hand
1. Here is my hand, friend, here is my hand,
Over to you from my bonny homeland;
Building the future, comrades are we,
Here is my hand, friend, over to sea.
2. Over to you, friend, over to you!
Here is my hand, friend, we will be true, -
True to youth’s promise never to break,
True to the new world we’re going to make.