Цели урока: 1. Учебные: Тренировать в чтении и устной речи. Научить Писать личное письмо - совет. 2. Развивающие: Развивать способность к функционально - адекватному сочетанию лексических единиц и логическому изложению. 3. Познавательные: Познакомить с новым способом написания письма. 4. Воспитательные: Воспитывать уважительное отношение к другой культуре. Оборудование: Компьютер, экран, раздаточный материал.
Ход урока.
I. Организационный момент. Т: Good morning, boys and girls! I am glad to see you. II. Речевая зарядка. Т: How many times a year do you travel? For how long do you go away? Do you stay in your home country or go abroad? Which means of transport do you prefer? Do you travel alone, with family or friends or in an organised group? Do you prepare your holidays in advance by reading guidebooks and studying maps? Do you mainly relax or are you an active holiday-maker? What are you interested in when you are travelling? III. Развитие навыков устной речи и повторение ранее изученного материала. Т: What do you think a home-stay visit is? (2 слайд) Look at this advertisement for a home - stay study course in London. What might be the advantages and disadvantages of doing a course like this? (3 слайд) (Keys: Advantages: have to speak English all the time; experience English family life; no travelling to lessons. Disadvantages: lonely; have to speak English all the time; might not like family).
T: Maria is going on a three-week home-stay course in London. She has
written to her host family asking them for advice. Read this extract
from Maria's letter. What does she want to know? (4 слайд) (Keys: how to get to the Lake District, where to stay, what to do, what kind of weather to expect).
T: Read the reply Maria received from Sally Martin. Ignore the missing
words. What style is Sally's letter written in? How do you know? (Keys: 1 b 2 c 3 a. Semi-formal features: - although she starts the letter Dear Maria, she signs the letter with her full name, Sally Martin, because she has never met Maria; - she uses informal phrasal verbs (come back) combined with the more formal non-phrasal equivalent (return). Informal features: - she uses short forms, for example I'm; They're; - she uses informal language, for example lovely, cheap, wonderful.) T: Match the letter style to the situations. (5 слайд) (Keys: 1 b 2 c 3 a). T: What are we going to write today? (A letter).What kind of a letter will it be? (A letter giving advice). Write down the topic of the lesson. (6 слайд) Физкультминутка. IV. Обучение написанию письма. 1) Составление плана письма.
T: Write notes to complete the plan of Sally's letter. You should
complete the plan in note form rather than copying sentences from the
letter. (7 слайд) T: Check your answers. (8 слайд) T: Choose the best answer to fill the gaps in Sally’s letter. (Keys: 1b, 2a, 3c, 4c, 5b, 6a, 7b, 8c, 9c, 10a). (9 слайд) 2) Обучение тому, как дать совет. T: Write down the phrases Sally uses to give advice to Maria.
(Keys: I think you should ...; I think you ought to try ...; perhaps
the best thing to do would be ...; ... bring [imperative form]; ... it
might be an idea to ...). T: 1. Which phrases are examples of the imperative? (Only bring). 2. Why doesn't Sally use the imperative form more frequently in her letter? (Because she might sound bossy and rude). 3. In what ways does she "soften” the other advice she gives?
(By using phrases such as / think ... and It might be a good idea to
.... She also uses modals like should and ought to and the adverb
perhaps). T: This "softening” is very characteristic of English. T: Give two pieces of advice for these situations. (10 слайд) (Keys: 1 Perhaps the best thing to do would be to apologise to the teacher. Tell the teacher it was too difficult. 2 I think you should go and lie down. Have some chocolate. 3 It might be an idea to borrow some from a friend. I think you ought to try not eating lunch today. 4 I think you ought to try joining a club. It might be an idea to wash more often! 5 I think you should walk to school. Don't worry about it! 6 There's a really good website on working abroad. I'll give you the address. Just buy a ticket and go!) 3) Повторение употребления фразовых глаголов. T: The phrasal verb "pick up” is in the letter. What does it mean? (to collect somebody in one’s car)
T: Pick up is quite informal. A more formal verb with a similar meaning
is collect. Phrasal verbs are often more informal than their one-word
equivalents. T: Here are some other phrasal verbs with up. Each verb has two different meanings. Match the meanings a-h with sentences 1-8. (11 слайд) (12 слайд) (Keys: 1e; 2f; 3c; 4b; 5g; 6d; 7a; 8h) 4) Повторение употребления артиклей.
T: Look at the first two paragraphs of Sally's letter again and find
the names of places and ways of travelling. (The Lake District; by
train, by coach). T: Correct these sentences. (The Lake District; London; train, coach) (13 слайд) V. Итоги. Домашняя работа. (14 слайд)
T: Jim is coming to your country to do a course in your language. He is
staying with you and has a few days free before his course begins. He
has written to you asking for advice about a good place to visit. You ar
going to write a reply (about 200 words).
Использованные материалы: (15слайд) I. Учебник:, Kathy Gude, Jayne Wildman, Danuta Gryca. " Matrix Intermediate Student’s Book”. (Oxford University Press. Oxford - 2000г.) II. Книга для учителя: Anne Conybeare, Kathy Gude, Jayne Wildman. "Matrix Intermediate Teacher’s Book”. (Oxford University Press. Oxford -2000г.)I. Интернет ресурсы: 1) http://cdn01.wallconvert.com/_media/wallpapers_1366x768/1/1/lake-district-england-5956.jpg - фото Lake District 2) http://www.wordsworthcountry.com/sitepics/ukmap.gif – карта Великобритании 3)http://images.kakprosto.ru/articles/201107/article_1542_15e83fa9d86dbb404a4662df2c5788a31311458390.jpg – лист письма
Приложение Dear Maria,
Thank you for your letter. You asked me 1________the Lake District. It
certainly is a beautiful place 2 ________visit. I'm enclosing a map and a
postcard. 3________it lovely? You can travel to the Lake District
4________train or coach from London. I think you should take the train,
as you have very little time and it's much quicker and very comfortable.
We can easily take you to the station and pick you up when you return.
5_________for places to stay, I think you ought to try a Youth Hostel.
They're quite cheap and good places for meeting people. You sleep in
single beds but you share a room. The Lake District was the home of
the famous poet William Wordsworth, who spent most of his life there.
It's a wonderful place for walking. There's also 6________very
interesting Museum, about Lakeland life and industry. The whole
area gets very crowded in summer with people coming to visit the Lakes
and the poet's home, so perhaps the best thing to do would be to travel
on a Friday morning and come back on Monday or Tuesday 7_________avoid
the weekend rush. The weather's sometimes warm and sunny but,
unfortunately, it's often very wet,8_________bring light, waterproof
clothing, and it might be an idea to buy an umbrella! I hope this helps. We're looking forward to 9__________you.
10___________, Sally Martin